Protect Your Electrical Workers From Arc-Flash Danger

Arc-Flash Mitigation: Remote racking and switching for arc-flash danger mitigation in distribution class switchgear
Each day in the United States as many as 10 injuries requiring hospitalizations are attributed to arc-flash incidents (Capelli-Schellpfeffer, Inc.).
The safety of our customers’ electrical workers is our top priority at CBS ArcSafe. That’s why we designed our remote racking solutions to reduce the need for full-body arc-flash hazard suits.
Remote operating equipment, specifically remote racking and remote switching systems, are an affordable, effective way to increase worker safety and stay compliant with updated safety standards. CBS ArcSafe is a leader in the design and development of various styles of remote operation equipment, and is dedicated to increasing arc-flash safety for electrical workers worldwide.
Interested in an on-site demo at your facility? Contact us for an on-site demo, or get a pdf of our latest EHS Today arc flash mitigation webinar presentation.
EHS Today Webinar: Employing Remote Operation to Prevent Electrical Arc-Flash Casualties webinar is now available On Demand!
We’re sorry you weren’t able to attend the live event. However, you can view the recorded version of this presentation (including slides and audio) that will give you the information you missed. To view the recorded event: CLICK HERE
Arc-Flash Demonstration Video
As shown in the EHS Today Webinar: Here arcs were intentionally initiated by bridging wires across three copper bus bars in a testing laboratory. Three phase 480 volt power was then applied across the bus bars for about 1 second. The wires immediately explode, forming a conductive plasma which forms high current power arcs between phases. The actual fault current in the demonstration is not known, but is likely in the range of tens of kiloamps.