Is it time for retraining on Your CBS ArcSafe Equipment? (3 Year Interval Recommended)
The old saying is “you either use it or lose it”. Studies show that people tend to remember things better and over a longer period because of repetition. If the need to rack breakers only happens on random or rare occasions, one may be hesitant about how to use a device when the time comes, such as the RRS-1 universal remote racking system (or any other system.) Also, members of your team may move on to new opportunities or retirement. When that happens, CBS ArcSafe wants to help make sure that the people replacing them are comfortable and competent in the use of your CBS ArcSafe remote racking and switching devices.
One of the reasons CPR and AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) training is required every couple of years (even for paramedics, nurses, and other first responders) is due to this idea of repetitive training and skills check. If you think about it, training for remote racking and electrical safety is not much different from an AED in that respect. The racking system may only be used occasionally. Like an AED, it is of critical importance and potentially lifesaving when it is used correctly. An incorrect application can cause injury or costly damage to equipment that could extend downtime. Unlike an AED, it requires a more thought regarding tooling selection, inputting amperage values, and following instructions that are not made “automatic.”
It is recommended by NFPA 70E (2018) Article 110.2(3) that “retraining in safety-related work practices and applicable changes in this standard shall be performed at intervals not to exceed 3 years.” If it has been longer than three years since we provided training, we are here for you. Contact us today to set up a training event customized to your needs. ArcSafe can help with online training or through an onsite visit by one of our representatives.