CBS ArcSafe Remote Switch Actuator (RSA-9)

CBS ArcSafe remote switch actuators are designed to remotely charge, close, and/or trip various styles and types of electrical equipment.

Any remote switch actuator can be custom-built for any electrical device you have available.

The remote switch actuators are most commonly assisted by strong magnets so that modifications are not required to your switchgear. This also allows operators to easily move the remote switch actuator from one breaker to another.

Each CBS ArcSafe remote switch actuator is custom built to your electrical equipment so that it can safely operate your electrical equipment outside the arc-flash boundary.

There are numerous CBS ArcSafe remote switch actuators that enable the system to be used with circuit breakers, motor controls, and other electrical equipment that use a variety of :

  • Operating pushbuttons, such as circuit breaker trip and close buttons
  • Operating levers, such as those found on motor control center buckets
  • Operating lever or rotary style charging handles requiring single or multiple strokes
  • Operating rotary and pistol grip switches, such as breaker control switches
  • Engaging or disengaging mechanical interlocks, such as circuit breaker interlock foot-pedals or pushbuttons

Chicken Switch: Lightweight Arc Flash Safety Solutions

CBS ArcSafe Chicken Switch® remote switch kits (RSKs) are designed to remotely operate (close/trip) select models of circuit breakers and motor control centers. Offering maximum portability, the lightweight RSK products differ from other CBS ArcSafe products by providing complete kits that include a handheld controller, batteries, control cable, and actuator, all packaged in a customized Pelican® carrying case.

Learn how the remote switch operator (RSO) works in conjunction with the RSA or as a stand-alone device to allow service personnel to stand outside the arc-flash boundary while operating electrical equipment.

For more details on our remote switching actuators and remote switch kits, download the CBS ArcSafe solutions guide.

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Remote Switching for Your Application

Model #Manufacturer/Compatibility
RSA-1ABreaker Control Switch (compatible with: Electroswitch Series 20)
RSA-1BBreaker Control Switch (compatible with: Westinghouse, Electroswitch - Type W-2)
RSA-1CBreaker Control Swtich (compatible with: Electroswitch Series 31, 101 Switches with Oval Shank Operator)
RSA-1DBreaker Control Switch (compatible with: UK Switch)
RSA-1EBreaker Control Switch (compatible with: Electroswitch - Series 24, 24P; General Electric - SB-1, SB-9, SB-10, SBM; Westinghouse - Type W; Instrument Transformer Inc. - Series 95; Shallco - Series 26)
RSA-1FBreaker Control Switch (compatible with: General Electric SB-1, SB-9, SB-10 - Pull t Operate)
RSA-1HBreaker Control Switch (compatible with: Cutler-Hammer 10250T, E34)
RSA-1JBreaker Control Switch - General Electric CR104P (3 Position Spring Loaded Switch)
RSA-1KBreaker Control Switch - Square D Selector Switch, 600 V AC, 10 A (compatible with: 9001KS53FBH21)
RSA-2Pushbutton (All Manufacturers and Gear, 0.500" Max Travel, 10 lbf Max Force)
RSA-2BPushbutton (All Manufacturers and Gear, 0.500" Max Travel, 10 lbf Max Force)
RSA-2DDual Pushbutton - All Manufacturers and Gear - 0.500" Max Travel, 10 lbf Max Force
RSA-2HDPushbutton (All Manufacturers and Gear, 2.0" Max Travel, 50 lbf Max Force)
RSA-7Westinghouse Type W Motor Control Center (MCC) Bucket, Size 1-4 (Small Handle Operator)
RSA-7AWestinghouse Type W Motor Control Center (MCC) Bucket, Size 1-4 (Medium Handle Operator)
RSA-7BWestinghouse Type W Motor Control Center (MCC) Bucket, Size 5 (Large Handle Operator)
RSA-8General Electric 7700 Motor Control Center (MCC) Size 1-4 Bucket Handle Operator & General Electric Type TDR Integral Handle Mechanism (2.94" Diameter, SE150 & SF250 Line)
RSA-8AGeneral Electric 7700 Motor Control Center (MCC) Size 5 Bucket Handle Operator & General Electric Type TDR Integral Handle Mechanism (4.75" Diameter, SG600 Line)
RSA-8BGeneral Electric Type TDR Integral Handle Mechanism (6.0" Diameter, SK1200 Line)
RSA-9General Electric Limitamp Medium-Voltage Controller - CR7160, CR7161 Series
RSA-9BGeneral Electric LimitAmp Medium-Voltage Controller - CR194, CR7160, CR7161 Series (without Kirk Lock)
RSA-9RGeneral Electric Limitamp Medium-Voltage Controller (Manual Interlock Defeat version)
RSA-9RGeneral Electric Limitamp Medium-Voltage Controller (Remote/Electric Interlock Defeat version)
RSA-10Westinghouse, Cutler-Hammer Ampguard - Legacy Style Handle Operator
RSA-10AEaton, Cutler-Hammer Ampguard - Current Style Handle Operator
RSA-9RPlant Engineering Product of the Year FinalistWestinghouse DHP 1200-3000 A
RSA-11BWestinghouse DHP 1200-3000 A - Close Only
RSA-12AOccupational Health & Safety New Product of the YearPlant Engineering Product of the Year FinalistCutler-Hammer, Square D, Westinghouse DS - All
RSA-12BCutler-Hammer, Square D, Westinghouse DS - All
RSA-12CMitsubishi DS - All
RSA-14Siemens 81000 Medium-Voltage Controller
RSA-14ASiemens 81000 Medium-Voltage Controller (Flush Mount)
RSA-14BSiemens 81000 Medium-Voltage Controller (with DC door on panel and latch directly above switch)
RSA-15Siemens SimoVac Medium-Voltage Controller (Straight Handle Style with Black Plastic Knob on End of Isolation Switch)
RSA-16SB, SBA, SBS (includes all; Trip Button Lower Right, Close Button Upper Left)
RSA-16ASB, SBA, SBS (includes all; Trip Button Lower Right, Close Button Upper Left)
RSA-16BSB, SBA, SBS (includes all; Trip Button Lower Right, Close Button Lower Left)
RSA-17Allis-Chalmers, Siemens-Allis, Siemens FA, FB, FC - All
RSA-18General Electric AK-1, 2, 3(A)-50, 75, 100 (Manually Operated)
RSA-20Westinghouse, Culter-Hammer MCCB (Black Molded Case only) - E Frame (includes EA, EB, EC, ED, EG, EH) & F Frame (includes FA, FB, FC, FD, FG, FH) - 10-150 A
RSA-20AWestinghouse, Cutler-Hammer MCCB (Black Molded Case only) - JB Frame (90-250 A), KB Frame (90-250 A), & HKB Frame (90-250 A)
RSA-20CWestinghouse, Cutler-Hammer MCCB (Black Molded Case only) - LA Frame (70-400 A), LAB Frame (125-400 A), HLA Frame (70-400 A), LC Frame
RSA-20CRWestinghouse, Cutler-Hammer - L Frame (includes LA, LB, LC, LD) - 125-600 A (Recessed Mount)
RSA-20DWestinghouse, Cutler-Hammer MCCB (Black Molded Case only) - MA Frame (125-800 A), HMA Frame (125-800 A), MC
RSA-20EWestinghouse, Cutler-Hammer MCCB (Black Molded Case only) - NB Frame (700-1200 A), HNB Frame (700-1200 A), NC
RSA-20FWestinghouse, Cutler-Hammer Molded Case Circuit Breaker (Black Molded Case only) - PB Frame (600-2500 A), PA, PC
RSA-21Square D Mini Break (Class 9875, includes HVMB305200, HVMB305200U, HVMO-305025, HVMO-305200, HVMO305000U) Square D Mini-Flex (Class 8196 AC Controller, includes )
RSA-22General Electric Medium-Voltage Load Break Switch - IC1074 Series (includes IC1074, IC1074A, IC1074B)
RSA-23Westinghouse 50DH-150, 250, 350
RSA-27Square D - HVL/cc Medium-Voltage Metal-Enclosed Switchgear, Load Interrupter Switch w, Over Toggle Mechanism
RSA-27ASquare D - HVL/cc Medium-Voltage Metal-Enclosed Switchgear, Load Interrupter Switch w, Stored Energy Mechanism
RSA-27BSquare D - HVL/cc Medium-Voltage Metal-Enclosed Switchgear, Load Interrupter Switch w, Stored Energy Mechanism
RSA-28Siat A-15, 650, 12
RSA-29Plant Engineering Product of the Year FinalistGeneral Electric AK-1, 2, 3-25 (Manually Operated, with Trip Button below Handle)
RSA-29AGeneral Electric AKR-6, 7, 8, 910D-30S
RSA-29BGeneral Electric AK-1, 2, 3-25 Close, Trip (Electrically Operated, Trip and Close Buttons)
RSA-30ABB, BBC, ITE K-Line (2000 A & below)
RSA-30AABB, BBC, ITE K-Line (3000 A & above)
RSA-30BABB, BBC, ITE K-Line (2000 A & below, Electrically Operated)
RSA-30CABB, BBC, ITE K-Line (3000 A & above)
RSA-31Powercon Load Break Interrupter Switch (PIF Interrupter, 600 A & 1200 A, Flush Mounted on Panel, with or without Kirk Interlock above and/or below Switch)
RSA-31APowercon Load Break Interrupter Switch (PIF Interrupter, 600 A & 1200 A, Recessed Mounted on Panel Approximately 1 Inch, with or without Kirk Interlock above and/or below Switch)
RSA-32Mitsubishi Medium-Voltage MCC Handle
RSA-33Square D Model 6 MCC: Size 1-5 Bucket & Main (Red & Green Handle Operator, original Vintage, Handle Base Lenth 5.69")
RSA-33ASquare D Model 6 MCC: Size 1-5 Bucket & Main (Red & Green Handle Operator, Current Vintage, Handle Base Lenth 4.75")
RSA-34General Electric TDM Door Mounted Handle Operating Mechanism, General Electric SKOM2 Operating Mechanism, General Electric 7098 Motor Control Center (MCC) Bucket - Size 1-4
RSA-34BGeneral Electric TDM Door Mounted Handle Operating Mechanism & General Electric 7098 Motor Control Center (MCC) Bucket - Size 1-4 (Short Handle)
RSA-35Westinghouse 11-300 Motor Control Center (MCC) Bucket (Size 1-4 only), Eaton, Cutler-Hammer Molded Case Circuit Breaker Slide Plate Type Handle Mechanism (314C386G02, 314C386G03, 314C386G05, 314C386G06, 314C386G09, 314C386G10
RSA-35BWestinghouse 11-300 Motor Control Center (MCC) Bucket (Size 5 only), Eaton, Cutler-Hammer Molded Case Circuit Breaker Slide Plate Type Handle Mechanism (314C386G01, 314C386G04, 314C386G08)
RSA-36Cutler-Hammer Freedom Unitrol Motor Control Center (MCC) Bucket - Size 1-4
RSA-37Siemens-Allis, Siemens MarQ21, Model 90 Motor Control Center (MCC) Bucket - Size 1-4 (Black Plastic Handle Operator with White Lettering)
RSA-39E9000 Evolution MCC - Bucket Size 1-4 Standard & Size 1 Horizontal
RSA-39BE9000 Evolution MCC - Main
RSA-40Eaton, Cutler-Hammer - Vari-Depth Type Handle Mechanism; NEMA Type 1, 3R, 12 (Handle Style Number: 504C323G07)
RSA-41Allen Bradley Centerline 2100 MCC - Size 1-4 Bucket (Black or Gray Plastic Handle)
RSA-41AAllen Bradley Centerline 2100 MCC - Size 5 Bucket (Black or Gray Plastic Handle)
RSA-41BAllen Bradley Centerline 2100 MCC - Main (Black or Gray Plastic Handle)
RSA-41CAllen Bradley Centerline 2100 MCC - Size 1 Horizontal Bucket (Black or Gray Plastic Handle)
RSA-42Eaton, Cutler-Hammer - Series C Rotary Through-The-Door Handle Mechanism (for use with Molded Case Circuit Breakers G, F, J, K, L, MDL Frames, Molded Case Switches, and Motor Circuit Protectors
RSA-43General Electric SE-100 Series Load Break Switch 600-1200 A 5 kV, 15 kV
RSA-44Square D Iso-Flex Model 4 Class 8198 Medium-Voltage Controller
RSA-45General Electric AKR-4, 5-A-30, 50
RSA-45AGeneral Electric AKR-6, 10D-30, 50 & AKR-4, 5-B-30, 50
RSA-45BGeneral Electric AKR-6, 10D-75, 100
RSA-45CGeneral Electric AKR-6, 10D-75, 100
RSA-45DGeneral Electric AKR-6, 10D-30, 50 & AKR-4, 5-B-30, 50
RSA-45EGeneral Electric AKR-4, 5-A-30, 50
RSA-46General Electric 8000 MCC Size 1-4 (Small Escutcheon Around Handle Operator)
RSA-46AGeneral Electric 8000 MCC Size 1-4 (Large Escutcheon Around Handle Operator)
RSA-46BGeneral Electric 8000 MCC Size 5 Bucket, General Electric 8000 Style Main Disconnect (Up to 800 A)
RSA-46DGeneral Electric 8000 MCC Main Disconnect (800-1200 A)
RSA-47Allen Bradley 2100 (Legacy) MCC Size 1-4 Bucket (Metal Handle, Flush Mounted, 7" Base Length)
RSA-47AAllen Bradley 2100 (Legacy) MCC Size 5 Bucket and Allen Bradley Centerline 5 kV Starter (Metal Handle, Flush Mounted, 9" Base Length)
RSA-47BAllen Bradley 2100 (Legacy) MCC Size 1-4 Bucket (Metal Handle, Recessed Mounted, 7" Base Length)
RSA-48Plant Engineering Product of the Year Bronze AwardEaton, Cutler-Hammer Magnum DS, SB (Door Closed, 800-4000 A)
RSA-48CEaton, Cutler-Hammer Magnum DS, SB (Door Closed, 800-5000 A)
RSA-50Motorpact Medium-Voltage Motor Starter (Isolation Switch Operation only)
RSA-50AMotorpact Medium-Voltage Motor Starter (Close/Trip)
RSA-1Siemens, Siemens-Allis - RL, RLE, RLF, RLI, 800-2000 A (Gray, Black or Yellow Zinc Face, Manual Operated, includes RL, RLE, RLF, RLI-800, 1600, 2000)
RSA-51ASiemens, Siemens-Allis - RL, RLE, RLF, 3200-5000 A (Gray, Black or Yellow Zinc Face, Manual Operated, includes RL, RLE, RLF-3200, 4000, 5000)
RSA-51BSiemens, Siemens-Allis - RL, RLE, RLF, RLI, 800-2000 A (Gray, Black or Yellow Zinc Face, Manual Operated, includes RL, RLE, RLF, RLI-800, 1600, 2000)
RSA-51CSiemens, Siemens-Allis - RL, RLE, RLF, 3200-5000 A (Gray, Black or Yellow Zinc Face, Manual Operated, includes RL, RLE, RLF-3200, 4000, 5000) (Charge Assembly)
RSA-51CSiemens, Siemens-Allis - RL, RLE, RLF, 3200-5000 A (Gray, Black or Yellow Zinc Face, Manual Operated, includes RL, RLE, RLF-3200, 4000, 5000) (Close/Trip Assembly)
RSA-52Siemens RHOH Rotary Door Mounted Operating Handle (for MD, ND, PD, & RD Frame Molded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCBs), NEMA Type 1, 3, 3R, 12, 4, & 4X Enclosures)
RSA-52ASiemens CRHOH Rotary Door Mounted Operating Handle (for ED, FD, JD, LD, & LMD Frame Molded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCBs), NEMA Types 1, 3, 3R, 12, 4, & 4X Enclosures)
RSA-53AITE, Siemens - Enclosure Operating Mechanism for Molded Case Circuit Breakers (Large)
RSA-54JK Series Starter, Controller (includes JK400, JK700, JK, JKSSS, JKSSS4, JKSSS7 Series)
RSA-55Siemens Molded Case Circuit Breaker - Type BL, BLH, Single Pole (10-70 A)
RSA-55ASiemens Molded Case Circuit Breaker - Type BL, BLH, Two Pole (10-100 A)
RSA-56General Electric Molded Case Circuit Breaker - Q-Line, Single Pole (125A & Less) Type THQB, THHQB, THQC, THHQC, THQL, THHQL, THQP, TQ, TQB, TQC, TQL, TXQB, TXQC, TXQL (does not include DIN Rail Mount & Quick Connect)
RSA-56BGeneral Electric Molded Case Circuit Breaker - Q-Line, Three Pole Gang (125A & Less) Type THQB, THHQB, THQC, THHQC, THQL, THHQL, THQP, TQ, TQB, TQC, TQL, TXQB, TXQC, TXQL (does not include DIN Rail Mount & Quick Connect)
RSA-56CGeneral Electric Molded Case Circuit Breaker - Q-Line, 2, 3 Pole (100-225A) Type THQD, THQDL, TQD, TQDL
RSA-57Square D Molded Case Circuit Breaker - E Frame (15-100 A; includes EH & EM Frames; Flush Mounted; with or without Factory Lockout)
RSA-57BSquare D Molded Case Circuit Breaker - F (15-100 A) & K (70-250 A) Frame (Flush Mounted; with or without Factory Lockout; includes FA, FC, FH, FI, FY; KA, KC, KH, KI, KY Frames)
RSA-57CSquare D Molded Case Circuit Breaker - F (15-100 A) & K (70-250 A) Frame (Recessed Mounted; with or without Factory Lockout; includes FA, FC, FH, FI, FY; KA, KC, KH, KI, KY Frames)
RSA-57DSquare D Molded Case Circuit Breaker - L, Q4 Frame (125-400 A, Flush Mounted, with or without Factory Lockout, includes LA, LH, LY, Q4 Frames)
RSA-57ESquare D Molded Case Circuit Breaker - L, Q4 Frame (125-400 A, Recessed Mounted, with or without Factory Lockout, includes LA, LH, LY, Q4 Frames)
RSA-57GSquare D Molded Case Circuit Breaker - L Frame (125-400 A, Recessed Mounted, with or without Factory Lockout, includes LC, LI Frames)
RSA-57ISquare D Molded Case Circuit Breaker - L Frame (125-600 A, Recessed Mounted, with or without Factory Lockout, includes LE, LX Frames)
RSA-57JSquare D Molded Case Circuit Breaker - M Frame (300-1000 A, Flush Mounted, with or without Factory Lockout, includes MA, MH, MY Frames)
RSA-57KSquare D Molded Case Circuit Breaker - M Frame (300-1000 A, Recessed Mounted, with or without Factory Lockout, includes MA, MH, MY Frames)
RSA-57NSquare D Molded Case Circuit Breaker - M Frame (100-800 A, Flush Mounted, with or without Factory Lockout, includes ME, MX Frames)
RSA-57OSquare D Molded Case Circuit Breaker - M Frame (100-800 A, Recessed Mounted, with or without Factory Lockout, includes ME, MX Frames)
RSA-57TSquare D Molded Case Circuit Breaker - N Frame (600-1200 A, Flush Mounted, with or without Factory Lockout, includes NE, NX Frames)
RSA-57USquare D Molded Case Circuit Breaker - N Frame (600-1200 A, Recessed Mounted, with or without Factory Lockout, includes NE, NX Frames)
RSA-57VSquare D Molded Case Circuit Breaker - P Frame (600-2500 A, Flush Mounted, includes PA, PH, PY, PC, PI, PE, PX)
RSA-59WavePro, 800-2000 A (WPS, WPH, WPX - 08, 16, 20) & EntelliGuard, 800-2000 A (EGS, EGH, EGX - 08, 16, 20)
RSA-59AWavePro, 800-2000 A (WPS, WPH, WPX - 08, 16, 20) & EntelliGuard, 800-2000 A (EGS, EGH, EGX - 08, 16, 20)
RSA-59BWavePro, 3200-5000 A (WPS, WPH, WPX - 32, 40, 50) & EntelliGuard, 3200-5000 A (EGS, EGH, EGX - 32, 40, 50)
RSA-59CWavePro, 3200-5000 A (WPS, WPH, WPX - 32, 40, 50) & EntelliGuard, 3200-5000 A (EGS, EGH, EGX - 32, 40, 50)
RSA-60AWestinghouse, Cutler-Hammer, Eaton - Type SPB Systems Pow-R Breaker: 250-3000 A (includes SPB-50, SPB-65, SPB-100, SPB-150)
RSA-61Merlin Gerin YSF6 Close, Trip only
RSA-62General Electric 300-Line Control Non Reversing Combination Magnetic Starter (CR307, CR308, CR387, CR388)
RSA-63Driwisa Load Break Switch (with DW-901 Front Mounted Operating Mechanism)
RSA-64Westinghouse DFS (Charge Assembly)
RSA-64Westinghouse DFS (Close/Trip Assembly)
RSA-65ABB, BBC, ITE Versa Switch Interrupter Switch, Versa Rupter Interrupter Switch, HK-HPL-C Drawout Interrupter Switch (Flush Mounted on Panel)
RSA-66AITE Type ET, ETI, ETO, ET-75, ET-C Molded Case Circuit Breaker - F Frame (15-100 A, includes F, HF, CF) - 2, 3 Pole
RSA-66CITE Type ET, ETI, ETO, ET-75, ET-C Molded Case Circuit Breaker - J Frame (70-225A, includes J, JJ, JKL, JL, CJKL) & HJKL Frame (125-400 A, includes HJ, HJKL) - 2-3 Pole
RSA-66GITE Type ET, ETI, ETO, ET-75, ET-C Molded Case Circuit Breaker - KM Frame (250-800 A, includes KM), KP Frame (250-800 A, includes KP), HP Frame (800-1600 A, includes HP), & CP Frame (800-1600 A, includes CP) - 2, 3 Pole
RSA-67Powell Series P-13000 Class E-2 Controller (2.5-5 kV Voltage Class)
RSA-69AMegamax F Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breaker, 1200-6000 A, All Sizes (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6)
RSA-71Allen Bradley Centerline 5 kV Starter (First Generation, Gray Metal Handle Operator)
RSA-71BAllen Bradley Centerline 5 kV Starter (Flush Mounted, Second Generation, Red & Black Plastic Handle Operator)
RSA-71CAllen Bradley Centerline 5 kV Starter (Recessed Mounted, Second Generation, Red & Black Plastic Handle Operator)
RSA-72Spectra Series Molded Case Circuit Breaker - SK Frame: 300-1200 A (includes SKD, SKH, SKL, SKP) - Flush Mount without Handle Extension
RSA-72ASpectra Series Molded Case Circuit Breaker - SK Frame: 300-1200 A (includes SKD, SKH, SKL, SKP) - Flush Mount with Handle Extension
RSA-72BSpectra Series Molded Case Circuit Breaker - SG Frame: 125-600 A (includes SGD, SGK, SGL, SGP) - Flush Mount
RSA-72CSpectra Series Molded Case Circuit Breaker - SE Frame: 15-100 A (includes SED, SEH, SEL, SEP); SF Frame: 70-250 A (includes SFD, SFH, SFL, SFP) - Flush Mount
RSA-72DSpectra Series Molded Case Circuit Breaker - SK Frame: 300-1200 A (includes SKD, SKH, SKL, SKP) - Recessed Mount with Handle Extension
RSA-72FSpectra Series Molded Case Circuit Breaker - SG Frame: 125-600 A (includes SGD, SGK, SGL, SGP) - Recessed Mount
RSA-73General Electric Type HPC High Pressure Contact Switch - 2000-4000 A (Manual or Electric Trip, Bottom Feed Standard)
RSA-73AGeneral Electric Type HPC High Pressure Contact Switch - 800-1600 A (Manual or Electric Trip, Botton Feed Standard)
RSA-73BGeneral Electric Type HPC High Pressure Contact Switch - 800-1600 A (Manual or Electric Trip, Top Feed Inverted)
RSA-73CGeneral Electric Type HPC High Pressure Contact Switch - 2000-4000 A (Manual or Electric Trip, Top Feed Inverted)
RSA-74For Boltswitch VL/VM Series 600 V Pressure Contact Switch with Aluminum Enclosure
RSA-74For Boltswitch VL/VM Series 600 V Pressure Contact Switch with Steel Enclosure
RSA-74BFor Boltswitch Series J 600 V Pressure Contact Switch
RSA-76Consulting-Specifiying Engineer Product of the YearGeneral Electric Power Break II - All Frame Sizes (Door Closed)
RSA-76AGeneral Electric Power Break II - All Frame Sizes (Door Open)
RSA-76CGeneral Electric Power Break II - All Frame Sizes (Door Closed)
RSA-76EGeneral Electric Power Break II - All Frame Sizes (Door Closed, Protruding mount, up to 2.5")
RSA-77ITE, Siemens - 5600 Series Motor Control Center (MCC) (compatible with 5640, Version 1, Metallic Rotary Handle, Size 1-4)
RSA-78Cutler-Hammer F2100, Advantage, Series 2100; Westinghouse 5 Star - Size 1-5 Motor Control Center (MCC) Bucket
RSA-78ACutler-Hammer, Westinghouse - F2100, Advantage, Series 2100, 5 Star Motor Control Center (MCC) Main
RSA-79AITE KA, KB, KC, KD, KE (Flush Mount)
RSA-80Westinghouse DB-15, 25, 15-600 A (Three Position, Rectangular Trip Button above Charging Handle)
RSA-80AWestinghouse DB-15, 25, 15-600 A (Single Position, No Trip Button)
RSA-82Siemens Marq21, Model 90, Model 95, Model 95+ Motor Control Center (MCC) Bucket - Size 1-4 (Black Plastic Handle with Green Sides)
RSA-83Furnas, Siemens-Furnas System 89 Motor Control Center (MCC) - Size 1-4 & Siemens Tiastar (Flush Mounted, Rectangular Handle Operator, Vertical & Horizontal)
RSA-87Cutler-Hammer F10 Unitrol, 9800 Unitrol Motor Control Center (MCC) Bucket - Slider Style Operating Handle Mechanism, Size 1-4 Motor Control Center (MCC) Bucket (including 6" Horizontal Feeder Bucket)
RSA-87ACutler-Hammer F10 Unitrol, 9800 Unitrol Motor Control Center (MCC) Bucket - Slider Style Operating Handle Mechanism, Size 5 Motor Control Center (MCC) Bucket
RSA-89Cutler-Hammer 9800 Unitrol Size 1-4 Motor Control Center (MCC) Bucket
RSA-89ACutler-Hammer 9800 Unitrol Size 5 Motor Control Center (MCC) Bucket
RSA-91General Electric Power Break Circuit Breaker - Manual, Electric, 800-2000 A (No Trip Unit Visible on Panel)
RSA-91EGeneral Electric Power Break Circuit Breaker - Electrically Operated, 800-2000 A (No Trip Unit Visible on Panel)
RSA-91MGeneral Electric Power Break Circuit Breaker - Manually Operated, 800-2000 A (No Trip Unit Visible on Panel)
RSA-91aGeneral Electric Power Break Circuit Breaker - Manual, Electric, 2500-4000 A (Trip Unit below)
RSA-91A EGeneral Electric Power Break Circuit Breaker - Electrically Operated, 2500-4000 A (Trip Unit below)
RSA-91A MGeneral Electric Power Break Circuit Breaker - Manually Operated, 2500-4000 A (Trip Unit below)
RSA-91B MGeneral Electric Power Break Circuit Breaker - Manually Operated, 800-2000 A (Trip Unit on right)
RSA-91C EGeneral Electric Power Break Circuit Breaker - Electrically Operated, 2500-4000 A (Trip Unit above & below)
RSA-91C MGeneral Electric Power Break Circuit Breaker - Manually Operated, 2500-4000 A (Trip Unit above & below)
RSA-95Westinghouse DB-50, 200-1600 A (Three Position, Rectangular Trip Button above Charging Handle)
RSA-95AWestinghouse DB-50, 200-1600 A (Single Position, No Trip Button)
RSA-96Emax Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breakers, 800-6000 A, All Sizes (E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6) & Tmax Molded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCBs), 1600-3000 A (T8 only)
RSA-96AEmax Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breakers, 800-6000 A, All Sizes (E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6) & Tmax Molded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCBs), 1600-3000 A (T8 only)
RSA-97Square D Model 4 Motor Control Center (MCC) Bucket - Size 1-4
RSA-97ASquare D Model 4 Motor Control Center (MCC) Bucket - Size 5
RSA-97BSquare D Model 4 Motor Control Center (MCC) - Size 5
RSA-99Sylvania Clark 6200 Motor Control Center (MCC) Bucket
RSA-100 ABolt-Loc - BP Series 2500-4000 A, BL Series 800-4000 A (with Manual Trip Handle)
RSA-100BBolt-Loc - BP Series 800-2000 A (with Paddle Trip above Close Handle)
RSA-103Clark, Sylvania, Zinsco QSF Series Panelboard Switch (100-600 A, Single, Approximately 90° Of Travel)
RSA-103AClark, Sylvania, Zinsco QSF Series Panelboard Switch (30-100 A, Twin, Approximately 30° of Travel); Clark, Sylvania, Zinsco, FPE 5310, 5320, 5325 Motor Control Center (MCC) Bucket (Size 1-4, Approximately 30° Of Travel)
RSA-104Westinghouse DA-50
RSA-105LA, LAF 1600-2000 Amp (Yellow Zinc or Gray Plastic Face, Manual Operated, includes LA, LAF-1600, 1600 A, 1600 AF, 1600B, 2000, 2000 A)
RSA-105ALA, LAF 3000-4000 Amp (Yellow Zinc Face, Manual Operated, includes LA, LAF-3000, 3000 A, 3200, 3200 A, 4000, 4000 A, 4000B, 4000F) (Charge Assembly)
RSA-105ALA, LAF 3000-4000 Amp (Yellow Zinc Face, Manual Operated, includes LA, LAF-3000, 3000 A, 3200, 3200 A, 4000, 4000 A, 4000B, 4000F) (Close/Trip Assembly)
RSA-105BLA, LAF 600-800 Amp (Yellow Zinc or Gray Plastic Face, Manual Operated, includes LA, LAF-600, 600 A, 600 AF, 600B, 600F, 800, 800 A, 800B)
RSA-105CLA, LAF 3000-4000 Amp (Yellow Zinc Face, Manual or Electric Operated, includes LA, LAF-3000 A, 3200, 3200 A, 4000 A, 4000B, 4000F)
RSA-105ELA, LAF 1600-2000 Amp (Yellow Zinc Face, Manual Operated, includes LA, LAF-1600, 1600 A, 1600 AF, 1600B, 2000, 2000 A)
RSA-105FLA, LAF 600-800 Amp (Yellow Zinc Face, Manual Operated, includes LA, LAF-600, 600 A, 600 AF, 600B, 600F, 800, 800 A, 800B)
RSA-107Elliot Type 230
RSA-111EABB Molded Case Circuit Breaker - N Frame, 1200 A Frame Size (includes NSB, NHB)
RSA-111FABB Molded Case Circuit Breaker - P Frame, 1600, 2000, 2500 A Frame Size (includes PSB)
RSA-112FPE Type H-2, HL-2, Manually Operated, 600-6000 A (includes 25, 35, 50, 65, 75, 100 H, HL-2) & Type H-3, HL-3, Manually Operated 600-4000 A (includes 30, 42, 50, 65, 75, 100 H, HL-3)
RSA-112AFPE 20, 16PL
RSA-112BFPE Type H-2, HL-2, Electrically Operated, 600-6000 A (includes 25, 35, 50, 65, 75, 100 H, HL-2) & Type H-3, HL-3, Electrically Operated 600-4000 A (includes 30, 42, 50, 65, 75, 100 H, HL-3)
RSA-113Cutler-Hammer, Westinghouse Series C Molded Case Circuit Breaker - N Frame (includes ND, CND, HND, CHND, CNDC, NDC, HNDC, NDU; Except NS), 400-1200 A, White Molded Case, Flush Mounted, with Handle Extension
RSA-113ACutler-Hammer, Westinghouse Series C Molded Case Circuit Breaker - K Frame (includes KD, KDB, CKD, HKD, HKDB, CHKD, KDC; Except KS), 70-400 A, White Molded Case, Flush Mounted
RSA-113BCutler-Hammer, Westinghouse Series C Molded Case Circuit Breaker - F Frame (includes FD, HFD, FDC, FDB, FDE, HFDE, FDCE; Except FS), 10-225A, White Molded Case, Flush Mounted
RSA-113CCutler-Hammer, Westinghouse Series C Molded Case Circuit Breaker - L Frame (includes LD, LDB, CLD, HLD, CHLD, LDC, CLDC; Except LS), 125-600 A, White Molded Case, Flush Mounted, without Handle Extension
RSA-113DCutler-Hammer, Westinghouse Series C Molded Case Circuit Breaker - J Frame (includes JD, JDB, HJD, JDC; Except JS), 70-250 A, White Molded Case, Flush Mounted
RSA-113ECutler-Hammer, Westinghouse Series C Molded Case Circuit Breaker - M Frame (includes MDL, CMDL, HMDL, CHMDL, HMDLB, MDLB; Except MS), 300-800 A, White Molded Case, Flush Mounted
RSA-113GCutler-Hammer, Westinghouse Series C Molded Case Circuit Breaker - R Frame (includes RD, CRD, RDC, CRDC), 800-2500 A, White Molded Case, Flush Mounted, with Handle Extension
RSA-113ICutler-Hammer, Westinghouse Series C Molded Case Circuit Breaker - L Frame (includes LD, LDB, CLD, HLD, CHLD, LDC, CLDC; Except LS), 125-600 A, White Molded Case, Recessed Mounted, without Handle Extension
RSA-113JCutler-Hammer, Westinghouse Series C Molded Case Circuit Breaker - R Frame (includes RD, CRD, RDC, CRDC), 800-2500 A, White Molded Case, Standalone Mounted, with Handle Extension (Requires additional hardware kit installed on breaker to operate device)
RSA-114ABB, BBC, ITE LK (includes LK, LKD, LKE-8, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 42)
RSA-115ABB, BBC, ITE MB (includes MB, MBE, MBD, MBK-8, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 42, Door Open)
RSA-116S&C Load Break Switch (with Protruding Handle Operator)
RSA-116AS&C Load Break Switch (with Recessed Handle Operator)
RSA-116CS&C Load Break Switch (With Non-Standard Enclosure)
RSA-116DS&C Load Break Switch (Flush mounted)
RSA-116ES&C Load Break Switch - Flush application with 13.5inch handle overall
RSA-117Westinghouse WLI Load Interrupter Switch
RSA-117ACutler-Hammer MVS Load Break Switch
RSA-117BEaton Type LBS Load Break Switch
RSA-117DFor Westinghouse WLI Load Break Switch with permenant handle
RSA-119Merlin Gerin MP - All (Door Closed)
RSA-119AMerlin Gerin MP - All (Door Closed)
RSA-119BMerlin Gerin MP - All (Door Open)
RSA-120Square D Masterpact NW - All (Door Closed)
RSA-120ASquare D Masterpact NW - All (Door Closed)
RSA-120BSquare D Masterpact NW - All (Door Open)
RSA-123Square D Type QMBW - QMB224W, 324W, 264W, 364W; QMJ365 (9" Single Switch)
RSA-123ASquare D Type QMBW - QMB221TW, 222TW, 223TW, 321TW, 322TW, 323TW, 261TW, 262TW, 263TW, 361TW, 362TW, 363TW; QMJ361T, 362T, 363T, 364T (4.5", 6", 7.5" Twin Switch)
RSA-123CSquare D Type QMBW - QMB225W, 325W, 326W, 365W, 366W, 367W, 368W; QMJ366 (15" Single Switch)
RSA-124Terasaki S400-PE
RSA-126Federal Pacific DST-II
RSA-127General Electric Type QMR, THFP 240, 600 V 30, 60, 100 A Twin (Gray Metal Handle, includes QMR, THFP221, 222, 223, 321, 322, 323, 261, 262, 263, 361, 362, 363)
RSA-127BGeneral Electric Type QMR, THFP 240, 600 V 400, 600 A (Gray Metal Handle, includes QMR, THFP225, 226, 325, 326, 365, 366)
RSA-127CGeneral Electric Type QMR, THFP 240, 600 V 800, 1200 A (Black Plastic Handle, includes QMR, THFP367, 368)
RSA-134Square D Type QMB Safelex Panelboard Switch - 6.0"; Twin; 30 A & 60 A; Series 2 or 4 (includes QMB3203T, QMB3206T, QMB3603T, QMB3606T) & 7.5"; Twin; 60 A & 100 A; Series 2 or 4 (includes QMB3206T, QMB3210T, QMB3606T, QMB3610T)
RSA-134BSquare D Type QMB Saflex Panelboard Switch - 12.0", 15.0", & 18.0"; Single; 400 A & 600 A, Series 1 or 4 (includes QMB3240, QMB3240M, QMB3260, QMB3260M, QMB3640, QMB3640M, QMB3660, QMB3660M)
RSA-134HSquare D Type QMB Saflex Panelboard Switch - 2000 A
RSA-135Eaton, Cutler-Hammer, Pringle: Pringle Switch - QA-CBC: 2500 A & below (includes 800, 1200, 1600, 2000, & 2500 A); Current Vintage; Straight Handle (Black or Bare Aluminum) only, with Shunt Trip, 90° of Handle Travel, 28-32" Min. Cubicle Width
RSA-135AEaton, Cutler-Hammer, Pringle: Pringle Switch - QA-CBC: above 2500 A (includes 3000 & 4000 A); Current Vintage; Straight Handle (Black or Bare Aluminum) only, with Shunt Trip, 90° Of Handle Travel, 44" Min. Cubicle Width
RSA-135DEaton, Cutler-Hammer, Pringle: Pringle Switch - QA: 800 A only; Current Vintage; Straight Handle (Black or Bare Aluminum) only, without Shunt Trip, 90° Of Handle Travel, 24" Min. Cubicle Width
RSA-135EEaton, Cutler-Hammer, Pringle: Pringle Switch - QA: 1200-2500 A (includes 1200, 1600, 2000, 2500 A); Current Vintage; Straight Handle (Black or Bare Aluminum) only, without Shunt Trip, 115° Of Handle Travel, 28-32" Min. Cubicle Width
RSA-135FEaton, Cutler-Hammer, Pringle: Pringle Switch - QA: above 2500 A (includes 3000 & 4000 A); Current Vintage; Straight Handle (Black or Bare Aluminum) only, without Shunt Trip, 115° Of Handle Travel, 44" Min. Cubicle Width
RSA-135GEaton, Cutler-Hammer, Pringle: Pringle Switch - QA: 800 A only; Legacy Vintage ; Straight Cast Aluminum (Black or Bare Aluminum) only, without Shunt Trip, 90° Of Handle Travel, 24" Min. Cubicle Width
RSA-135HEaton, Cutler-Hammer, Pringle: Pringle Switch - QA: 1200-2500 A (includes 1200, 1600, 2000, 2500 A); Legacy Vintage ; Straight Cast Aluminum (Black or Bare Aluminum) only, without Shunt Trip, 115° Of Handle Travel, 28-32" Min. Cubicle Width
RSA-135IEaton, Cutler-Hammer, Pringle: Pringle Switch - QA: above 2500 A (includes 3000 & 4000 A); Legacy Vintage ; Straight Cast Aluminum (Black or Bare Aluminum) only, without Shunt Trip, 115° of Handle Travel, 44" Min. Cubicle Width
RSA-136ITE, Siemens Sentron Series - JD, HJD, HHJD, CJD, JXD, HJXD, HHJXD, CJXD (200-400 A), LD, HLD, HHLD, CLD, LXD, HLXD, HHLXD, CLXD (250-600 A)
RSA-136AITE, Siemens Sentron Series - ED, HED, CED (15-125A)
RSA-136BITE, Siemens Sentron Series - LMD, HLMD, LMXD, HLMXD, MD, HMD, CMD, MXD, HMXD, CMXD (500-800 A), ND, HND, CND, NXD, HNXD, CNXD (800-1200 A), PD, HPD, CPD, PXD, HPXD, CPXD (1200-1600 A), RD, HRD, RXD, HRXD (1600-2000 A)
RSA-136CITE, Siemens Sentron Series - FD, HFD, HHFD, CFD, FXD, HFXD, HHFXD, CFXD (70-250 A)
RSA-136DITE, Siemens Sentron Series - TD, HTD, HHTD, STD, SHTD, SHHTD (2000-3200 A)
RSA-136EITE, Siemens Sentron Series - LMD, MD (500-800 A), ND (800-1200 A), PD (1200-1600 A), RD (1600-2000 A) - with Handle Extension
RSA-138Allis-Chalmers, Siemens-Allis LBS-SE
RSA-138AAllis-Chalmers, Siemens-Allis LBS-SE2, SG 3328, or QB (with Type SE2A Operator) 5, 15 kV Metal Enclosed Load Interrupter Switch
RSA-138BAllis-Chalmers, Siemens-Allis LBS-SE4 or QB (with Type SE4 Operator) 5, 15 kV Metal Enclosed Load Interrupter Switch
RSA-139Allis Chalmers, Siemens Allis, Siemens - Spce Makr, Space Maker II, Type 456 Contactor
RSA-140Klockner Moeller, Moeller Electric - IVS, Modan 2000, Modan 3000 MCC Handle Operator (Small)
RSA-140BKlockner Moeller, Moeller Electric - IVS, Modan 2000, Modan 3000 MCC Handle Operator (Large)
RSA-145EABB - SACE Isomax Molded Case Circuit Breaker: Size S7 - 1200 A Frame (Breaker Recessed Into Cabinet, Actuator Mounts to Breaker, Cabinet)
RSA-145FABB - SACE Isomax Molded Case Circuit Breaker: Size S8 - 1600, 2000, & 2500 A Frames (Standalone Mounted Behind Panel)
RSA-147For Square D Power Zone
RSA-147AFor Square D Power Zone
RSA-149CMerlin Gerin COMPACT Molded Case Circuit Breaker - CK Frame, 400-1200 A
RSA-150ABB, BBC, ITE 7850 Series Medium-Voltage Motor Starter (Air Contactor, Blue & Silver Label)
RSA-151AFor FPE H, HF-1 (All) - For non-magnetic switchgear
RSA-152Boltswitch VL3612 ST
RSA-152CBoltswitch SLB Series 600V Pressure Contact Switch
RSA-152GBoltswitch T Series – 400-1200 A
RSA-153AWestinghouse Type FDP, Cutler-Hammer Type M50 Fusible Panelboard Switch - 30, 60, & 100 A Twin (5.5" Height)
RSA-153DWestinghouse Type FDP, Cutler-Hammer Type M50 Fusible Panelboard Switch - 400 & 600 A Single (15.125" Height)
RSA-153FWestinghouse Type FDP, Cutler-Hammer Type M50 Fusible Panelboard Switch - 800 & 1200 A Single (22" Height) 90 Degrees of Handle Travel. For Horizontal Unit, Switch located on middle left hand side.
RSA-154BSiemens Vacu-Break Fusible Panel Units - V2EXXXX & V7EXXXX (30, 60, or 100 A Twin, or 200 A Single; 7.5" Height)
RSA-154CSiemens Vacu-Break Fusible Panel Units - V2FXXXX & V7FXXXX (200 A Twin, or 200 A Single; 10" Height)
RSA-154DSiemens Vacu-Break Fusible Panel Units - V2HXXXX & V7HXXXX (400 or 600 A Single; 15' Height)
RSA-154FSiemens Vacu-Break Fusible Panel Units Main Switch - VF357, VB357, VF358, VB358 (Suffix TL or BL; 800 or 1200 A; 25" Height)
RSA-155Square D SE Series - All
RSA-155ASquare D SE Series - All
RSA-157Cooper Substation VFI Transformer
RSA-158Siemens WN, WL, 3WN, 3WL Low-Voltage Air Circuit Breaker
RSA-158ASiemens WN, WL, 3WN, 3WL Low-Voltage Air Circuit Breaker
RSA-159Square D Class 8198 High-Voltage Motor Starter
RSA-160General Electric Spectra Type ADS Panelboard Disconnect Switch - 30 A, 60 A, 100 A, 200 A
RSA-160CGeneral Electric Spectra Type ADS Panelboard Disconnect Switch - 400 A , 600 A
RSA-160DGeneral Electric Spectra Type ADS Panelboard Disconnect Switch - 800 A, 1200 A
RSA-161APlant Engineering Product of the Year Bronze AwardOccupational Health & Safety New Product of the YearSquare D Through the Door Handle Operator - Class 9421 Type L Circuit Breaker Mechanism (3" Handle Assembly)
RSA-162General Electric - EntelliGuard G (400 - 6000 A, includes GG, GJ, GH, GK-04, 07, 08, 10, 13, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 64)
RSA-162AFor General Electric EntelliGuard G 400 - 6000 A includes GG, GJ, GH, GK-04, 07, 08, 10, 13, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 64
RSA-163ABB Flange Handle Operator K7FCH, K7FCH4 & Siemens Max-Flex Handle Operator MFHM Series (Flush Mount, Large Red, Black Handle)
RSA-163AABB Flange Handle Operator K7FHD-HS12, K7FHD-HS4 (Small, Red, Black Handle)
RSA-163DABB Flange Handle Operator K7FCH, K7FCH4 & Siemens Max-Flex Handle Operator MFHM Series (Recessed Mount, Large Red, Black Handle)
RSA-164BSquare D PowerPact - E Frame (includes ED, EG, EJ) 15-125A
RSA-164CSquare D PowerPact - H Frame (includes HD, HG, HJ, HL, HR) 15-150 A
RSA-164ESquare D PowerPact - J Frame (includes JD, JG, JJ, JL, JR) 150-250 A
RSA-164HSquare D PowerPact - L Frame (includes LD, LG, LJ, LL, LR) 250-600 A
RSA-164ISquare D PowerPact - M Frame (includes MG, MJ) 300-800 A
RSA-164JSquare D PowerPact - P Frame (includes PG, PJ, PK, PL; Manually Operated) 250-1200 A
RSA-164KSquare D PowerPact - R Frame (includes RG, RJ, RK, RL) 600-3000 A
RSA-166BSquare D Heavy Duty Safety Switch - 200 A - H,HU-224, 324, 364, 464-N, A, N, NRB, RB, A, AKW (Series E)
RSA-166GSquare D Heavy Duty Safety Switch - 30 A & 60 A - H, HU-221, 222, 321, 322, 361-DS (Series F6; NEMA 4, 4X, 5 Stainless Steel Enclosure; Required Modification)
RSA-167Allen Bradley 1494F-P1-NP Series A Non-Metallic Molded Plastic Operating Handle (Recessed Mounted)
RSA-169AGeneral Electric Heavy Duty Safety Switch - TH Series (includes TH3365, )
RSA-174ETmax Molded Case Circuit Breaker (Except Tmax XT): Size T7M - 1000 & 1200 A Frame (Stored Energy Mechanism, Breaker Recessed Into Cabinet, Actuator Mounts to Breaker, Cabinet)
RSA-174FISHN Readers' Choice AwardOccupational Health & Safety New Product of the YearPlant Engeineering Product of the Year Silver AwardTmax Molded Case Circuit Breaker (Except Tmax XT and T7M), Size T7 (includes T7, T7H, T7L, T7S): 1000 - 1600 A Frame (Toggle Mechanism, Breaker Recessed into Cabinet, Actuator Mounts to Breaker, Cabinet)
RSA-175BFPE J Frame 70-225 A (includes HJ, HJL, NJ, NJJ, NJL, NJS)
RSA-175EFPE M Frame 150-800 A (includes HM, HMN, NM)
RSA-180Electrical Construction & Maintenance Product of the YearMerlin Gerin, Square D Masterpact NT - All
RSA-180AMerlin Gerin, Square D Masterpact NT - All
RSA-181Square D Manually Operated Type Bolt-Loc BL Series Switches (800-3000 A); and Type AV Switch - AVO Series Switches with AVFQ, AVSQ Handle Operator (800-1200 A, Single throw, Load-break, Dead front)
RSA-183General Electric - Flange Handle STDA1 (Small with Red, Black Plastic)
RSA-183AGeneral Electric - Flange Handle STDA2 (Large with Red, Black Plastic)
RSA-184FDPW Fusible Panelboard Switch - 30, 60, & 100 A Twin (Horizontal Fused Switch, 5.375" Height)
RSA-184DFDPW Fusible Panelboard Switch - 400 A Single (Horizontal Fused Switch, 12.313" Height)
RSA-184FFDPW Fusible Panelboard Switch - 600 & 800 A Single (Horizontal Fused Switch, 15.063" Height)
RSA-185Square D Model 5 Motor Control Center (MCC) Bucket - Size 1-5
RSA-186Westinghouse - Type ADM Disconnect Switch
RSA-187K Line MCCB, 1200A Frame Size (Includes THKM/TKC/TKL/TKM). Flush Mounted, with Lockout/Tagout device installed
RSA-187APlant Engineering Product of the Year Gold AwardGeneral Electric Molded Case Circuit Breaker - E Line, 150 A Frame Size, Type TE, TEB, TEC, TECL, TED, TEML, THED & THCL-1 Current Limiting Breaker (Flush Mounted)
RSA-187BGeneral Electric Molded Case Circuit Breaker - F Line, 225A Frame Size, Type THFK, TF, TFC, TFJ, TFK, TFL & THCL-2, THCL-4 Current Limiting Breaker (Flush Mounted)
RSA-187CGeneral Electric Molded Case Circuit Breaker - J Line, 600 A Frame Size THJK, TJ, TJC, TJD, TJJ, TJK, TJL (Flush Mounted)
RSA-187GGeneral Electric Molded Case Circuit Breaker - J Line, 600 A Frame Size THJK, TJ, TJC, TJD, TJJ, TJK, TJL (Recessed Mounted)
RSA-187HGeneral Electric Molded Case Circuit Breaker - K Line, 1200 A Frame Size THKM, TKC, TKL, TKM (Recessed Mounted)
RSA-188CGeneral Electric AV Line Switboard Rotary Operating Handle for Individually Mounted Devices - Branch Fusible Switch (200 A) or Branch Circuit Breaker (TKM, TB4, TB6, TB8, TJS, & TKS Frames)
RSA-189Cutler-Hammer F10 Unitrol, 9800 Unitrol Lever Size 1-4
RSA-196ZJ8 Link Operated Air Switch
RSA-198ABB Rotary Handle Operator - Variable Depth: Square Type 1 K2VD-H for ABB Isomax S1 Frame Molded Case Circuit Breaker (Flush mounted, 2.56" Diameter Base)
RSA-198AABB Rotary Handle Operator - Variable Depth: Square Type 1 K5VD-H for ABB Isomax S3, S4, & S5 Frame Molded Case Circuit Breaker & K7VD-H for ABB Isomax S6 & S7 Frame Molded Case Circuit Breaker; Direct Mount: Rotary Handle Operating Mechanism K5RH for ABB Isomax S3, S4, & S5 Frame Molded Case Circuit Breaker (Flush mounted, 4.13" x 4.13" Square Base)
RSA-201Square D Enclosed Circuit Breaker - NEMA 12, 3R, Series E3, 100-600 A (includes LEL, LXL, LXIL, LCL, & LIL housed in LX600 AWK) and 300-1000 A (includes MAL, MHL, & MXL housed in MA1000 AWK)
RSA-202ABB HGI 2 and HGI 3 Generator Circuit Breaker, 17.5-24 kV, 6300-8000 A
RSA-203GEC M-Pact Low-Voltage Air Circuit Breaker (includes 804, 812, 1616, 1620, 2025, and 3037 frame sizes)
RSA-205Bulldog, ITE, Siemens General Duty Enclosed Switch (Legacy Style, Vacu-Break, Clampmatic, 240, 600 V, 400 A (includes SN-325, SN-365)
RSA-209Type AL Manually Operated Air Circuit Breaker - Up to 1600 A (Dead Front with Front Enclosure or Enclosed with Pull Box, includes AL-2, ALF-2, AL-2-Y1, AL-2-Y2, AL-2-50, AL-2-50Y1, AL-50Y2, AL-2-50Y3)
RSA-210Klockner Moeller, Moeller Electric - Door Coupling Handle for PKZM 0, PKZM 01 or PKZM 4 Breaker
RSA-211ACutler-Hammer, Eaton Heavy Duty Fusible, Non-Fusible Low-Voltage Safety Switch (240, 600 V; 600, 800 A; NEMA 1, 3R; Three Pole; Single Throw)
RSA-213AMetron Electric Fire Pump Controller - Series M200, M300, M400, M420, M430, M435, M450, & M700 (with or without Transfer Switch, 200-480 V, 75-700 HP, Circuit Breaker Disconnect Operation only)
RSA-216Crompton Greaves Three Phase Pad Mounted Distribution Transformer (Up to 5,000 kV A, 34.5 kV, 200 kV BIL)
RSA-217General Electric AMH, 1200-2000 A (includes AMH-4.76-100, 250, 350-0D, 1D)
RSA-221CEaton, Cutler-Hammer Type SM Safety Handle Mechanism for Series C Molded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCBs) - L Frame (includes SM600R & SM600L)
RSA-224For Eaton/Cutler-Hammer POW-R-WAY Busway System
RSA-227For Eaton, Cutler-Hammer Universal Rotary Handle Mechanism for Series C & Series G Molded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCBs)
RSA-228For FPE Low-Voltage Circuit Breaker 12, 16, 20, 32, 40PL for non-magnetic switchgear
RSA-230BFor Eaton, Cutler-Hammer Series G Molded Case Circuit Breaker - LG Frame (100-630 A, 240-600 V AC, 1, 2, 3, 4 Pole, Flush Mounted includes LG, LGE, LGS, LGH, LGC, LGU, LGX 0
RSA-233For Terasaki TemPower Type AT Low-Voltage Air Circuit Breaker, 630-4000 A & Hyundai Type HAT Low-Voltage Air Circuit Breaker, 630-5000 A
RSA-233AFor Terasaki TemPower Type AT Low-Voltage Air Circuit Breaker, 630-4000 A & Hyundai Type HAT Low-Voltage Air Circuit Breaker, 630-5000 A
RSA-242Plant Engineering Product of the Year WinnerOccupational Health & Safety New Product of the YearFor ABB, Sace Bergamo Novamax - All
RSA-243For General Electric SE100CS, TE100CS Breaker Switch NEMA Type 4, 4X Enclosure For use with General Electric TE-Series (TEB,TED,THED & TEC) Breakers and SE Series (SEDA, SEHA, SELA & SEPA) Breakers
RSA-243AFor General Electric SG400CS Breaker Switch NEMA Type 4, 4X Enclosure For use with General Electric Spectra G Series Breakers
RSA-247Load Interrupter Switch
RSA-250Compact NS (Includes SF250, 15-250A)
RSA-251Blockset Rotary Handle Actuator (Small)
RSA-252DN2 MCCB Rotary Handle Actuator
RSA-252ADSINE ROH DM Rotary Handle Actuator (Size 2)
RSA-265BEaton Series NRX circuit breakers
RSK-CS01Electroswitch Series 24, 24P, General Electric SB, SBM, SB-1, SB-9, SB-10, Westinghouse Type W, Shallco Series 26
RSK-CS01-WElectroswitch Series 24, 24P, General Electric SB, SBM, SB-1, SB-9, SB-10, Westinghouse Type W, Shallco Series 26
RSK-CS03ITI Series 95 and Larger
RSK-CS03-WITI Series 95 and Larger
RSK-CS04GE SB-1, SB-9, SB-10, Westinghouse Type W-2
RSK-CS04-WGE SB-1, SB-9, SB-10, Westinghouse Type W-2
RSK-CS05Electroswitch Series 20 Control Switch
RSK-CS06Cutler-Hammer Control Switch Model L2R120CW
RSK-CS07Electroswitch Series 31 Control Switch - Common on on Siemens RL Switchgear
RSK-ABL1Allen Bradley 2100 MCC with small and medium size handles (1-4)
RSK-ABL2Allen Bradley 2100 MCC with Large Handle
RSK-ABL3Allen Bradley Centerline Medium Voltage Disconnect Handle up to 400 Amp.
RSK-CHL1Cutler-Hammer F2100, Advantage, Series 2100; Westinghouse 5 Star - Size 1-5 Motor Control Center (MCC) Bucket
RSK-SDL6Schneider, Square D Model 6 MCC
RSK-SDL6CSchneider, Square D Model 6 MCC (after 2006 model) and with Closed Door Racking Mechanism
RSK-SPB1Westinghouse, Cutler-Hammer, Eaton - Type SPB Systems Pow-R Breaker: 250-3000 A (includes SPB-50, SPB-65, SPB-100, SPB-150)
RSK-SPB2Westinghouse, Cutler-Hammer, Eaton - Type SPB Systems Pow-R Breaker: 250-3000 A (includes SPB-50, SPB-65, SPB-100, SPB-150)
RSK-DS10Cutler-Hammer, Square D, Westinghouse DS - All
RSK-AK11General Electric AKR-6, 10D-30, 50 & AKR-4, 5-B-30, 50 (Recessed face, horizontal trip/close, may or may not have charging handle.) Requires bracket.
RSK-AK12General Electric AKR-6/10D-75/100 (protruding breaker face no charge handle verticle trip/close buttons)
RSK-AK13General Electric Type AK, 1600-3200A (blue face with vertically aligned Trip/Close buttons)
RSK-AK14General Electric Type AKR, 800-2000A (Includes AKR/AKRT/AKRU - 4A/4B/5A/5B-30/30H/50/50H)
RSK-GEPB1PowerBreak (with Close button on upper right side of charging handle)
RSK-GEPB1EPowerBreak (with Close button in top center of breaker above charging handle)
RSK-GEPB1LPowerBreak (with Close button on left side of charging handle)
RSK-GEPB2PowerBreak II
RSK-WAV21WavePro, 800-2000 A (WPS, WPH, WPX - 08, 16, 20) & EntelliGuard, 800-2000 A (EGS, EGH, EGX - 08, 16, 20)
RSK-K15ABB, BBC, ITE K-Line (2000 A & below, Electrically Operated)
RSK-K20ABB, BBC, ITE K-Line (3000 A & above, Electrically Operated)
RSK-MDS30Eaton, Cutler-Hammer Magnum DS, SB (Door Closed, 800-4000 A)
RSK-NT20Merlin Gerin, Square D Masterpact NT - All
RSK-NW20Merlin Gerin, Square D Masterpact NW - All
RSK-PB16Miscellaneous Single Push Buttons.
RSK-SBH2SB, SBA, SBS (includes all; Trip Button Lower Right, Close Button Upper Left)
RSK-LA12Type LA, LAF, 1600-2000 A (includes LA, LAF - 1600, 1600 A, 1600 AF, 1600B, 2000, 2000 A)
RSK-RL12Type RL, RLE, RLF, 3200-5000 A (includes RL, RLE, RLF - 3200, 4000, 5000)
RSK-WL01Type WL, 800-6000 A (includes WLS, WLL, WLC)
RSK-WL01RType WL, 800-6000 A (includes WLS, WLL, WLC) with Siemens Racking Rails
RSK-BL30Siemens Molded Case Circuit Breaker - Type BL, BLH, Single Pole (10-70 A)
RSK-P11Square D Molded Case Circuit Breaker - P Frame (600-2500 A, Flush Mounted, includes PA, PH, PY, PC, PI, PE, PX)
RSK-SE06Square D SE Series - All
RSK-MBSW1General Electric Magne-Blast Raise/Lower Toggle Switches

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